Filezilla windows becomes unreachable
Filezilla windows becomes unreachable

Good luck, after many years of using FileZilla I'm now moving on. But with your attitude and your response you turn the jubilant environment into an argument and disdain. People have come to the forum with an upbeat attitude trying to make FileZilla better. Rhetorical questions no need for answers, how many customers asked for this super secure update? How many times does an attack happen that this update prevents? How vulnerable is a customer without this update? One day it works next day it does not, yet it is everyone else's problem. I repeat myself nothing has changed except an update to FileZilla.

filezilla windows becomes unreachable

You blame Kaspersky, CE, Windows Firewall, Windows Defender, and any other pieces of software. You assume they don't do this because "users were refusing" when maybe they don't know how. Take it one step further and have it emailed to you, don't even ask them to do that. Seriously FileZilla is asking users to create troubleshooting logs, what kind of software is this. I think FileZilla should have this ability put into it, why ask the customer.

filezilla windows becomes unreachable

Maybe they have not heard of netsh or netstat or even command line. Even if you think people are ignorant still respond with respect. Then you treat everyone asking about it like crap. People, myself included are curious as to why. After said update FileZilla no longer works. No other software was updated except FileZilla. I'm guessing customer support is not your forte. The way you handled this is just beyond comprehension.

Filezilla windows becomes unreachable